Happy Birthday to Stephen!! I love you!!
PS: My cake artwork isn't as pretty as I would've hoped, but it tasted yummy, (hard to go wrong with choc rumcake!) so that's the most important part, right?! ...at least that's what I was telling myself ;o)
PSS: His wish should come true since he ended up blowing all the candles out ;o)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Kindness & Encouragement
Every Sunday that has a temperature greater than or equal to 40 degrees, I'll be at the Schlegel Group Ride that meets in the parking lot of the store. It's a sure "race day" type workout for me. Sitting in (which can be up to 40% easier, I've been told) is actually the goal, and when achieved for the entire duration of the 40-55 miles of bike riding goodness, I declare victory and feel that my fitness has jumped up a notch (or 4)! :o) The races (cough, i.e. group "rides") are always fun, and the cyclist community here in OK City is fast! A huge bonus is that everyone there is very nice and so welcoming!
Almost 2 weeks ago, a couple of my friends just came up to me and said, "Hey Bethany, we really want you to know that we're behind you and excited for you..." and soon after each handed me money. They were so humble yet confident, purely genuine in their giving. Definitely an example of how to make an impact in someone's life!
I was so touched! Their words were so powerful and encouraging! I know that I will always remember that kindness, and when Stephen and I are in a position to do that, we will know how because we've already been on the receiving end!
Friday, January 22, 2010
The new site is up!
Somehow this pic missed getting on the website?! ...not sure how a gem like this didn't make the cut, but I took it upon myself to add it ;o)
Monday, January 18, 2010
Nibbles...so early! :o)
Today, Stephen got a call to schedule a phone interview! I find myself excited & curious with moments of anxiety...where will we be in a few months?? Waiting to find out is not always easy. I can't ever remember a time when waiting was easy unless it's in the middle of a killer interval set.
In the midst of the waiting, there's a lot for us to do here other than just think about what might happen in May!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
...a bigger boat...
The quest to 'make it' in the pros most definitely calls for "a bigger boat" (Jaws). Leaping from amateur to pro, I must be faster, tougher, quicker, leaner, swifter, smarter, fitter, stronger, and...did I mention faster? I know enough about it to make me scared, excited, and most of all dependent on the Lord. So, I guess my "bigger boat" is simply daily realizing that I have the biggest boat imaginable when I realize that the One who makes the big boats is readily available at all times! Remembering that helps me refine my body & mind into a triathlete who is all those adjectives that end in "er" that I listed above.
I often think of the movie, Jaws, when Brody points out that the situation has risen to a new level, and that to conquer the beast & stay alive, they would have to take appropriate measures! ("You're gonna need a bigger boat.") Needless to say, I am definitely saturated & overflowing with excitement about this full-time triathlon job that I now have, but there is also with it a very strong realization that I'm up against something that is nothing short of impossible without the Lord's strength, wisdom, guidance and hand on my life. I don't know where the path leads, whether the triathlon journey will end today or go for a long stretch of time, but the deep joy that laces up my soul most definitely comes from the Lord of the universe, who knit me together and knows how many hairs are on my head. As unsure as my future is in triathlon, I can rest in the hope and pure goodness of who the Lord is, and know that He hasn't changed in...literally...forever.
Whatever the Lord has given you today, may you feel a fresh new passion for the unique role that you have, knowing that no one could replace you!
PS: I recently weaned myself off of my heavy, cushy, thick, plush saddle for the hard, light variety. Yay! Believe it or not, it's actually comfortable now. I forced myself to do it over Christmas break - I only mailed this one to Knoxthrill, so for a couple weeks, I had no other alternative. haha. Cheers!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Twenty Ten
The year has just begun, and I'm already overwhelmed at how blessed I am...in every area of my life, but for now I'll just focus on the triathlon side...
The Lord has opened up so many opportunities for me in this area, it feels like a dream that I couldn't have ever thought up that I'm actually living in reality! (Ephesians 3:20-21)
I'm confident that the Lord has given me every good & perfect thing I have (James 1:17), starting with an amazing husband who supports me, and also our families! ...other key components that the Lord has provided include a wonderful coach, the talents & abilities I was born with, workout opportunities over the past 20 years, health, and love of the sport, as well as people who have come alongside me to help me in so many ways....speaking of, I'm so excited to tell you about my sponsors! You can directly link to their websites on the left of this page.
1. Retirement Planning Services: Needless to say, my dad's biz has been foundational in providing the spark (and means) to be a pro triathlete...obviously, financially, but he has also been an encouragement providing guidance (especially this past year) in training and even racing! (Although he hasn't ever raced a triathlon before - haha - his running competition background definitely transfered to the triathlon realm.) His wisdom is unmatched in Retirement Planning. You should definitely check out his new website (that will go "live" soon!). I'll post the link when it is finished.
2. Schlegel Bicycles: Although I'm not related to Steve Schlegel, he believes in me like we're kin! This has been encouraging during the past year as I have spent the majority of my training time developing as a cyclist. Steve has always seen potential in me as a cyclist (my weakest of the 3 disciplines), and this has been an immense help and source of encouragement.
His expertise, as well as providing me with top equipment, has proven to drastically improve my biking splits! Sometimes people joke about how everyone's so concerned with having the best bike, wheels, etc...when they really need to improve the motor that rides on it...well, I agree mostly...but it sure has been helpful to get great equipment! Although I won the Best of the US competition by 2 minutes, if Steve hadn't have loaned me a fast TT bike + wheels, it probably would have been more like a sprint at the finish!
PS: It's not surprising that his bike shop has been in the top 100 nation-wide retailers for the past 3 years since the entire staff is top-notch in skills, knowledge & friendliness!
3. Dr. Seyoung Kim: I initially met Dr. Kim on a group bike ride, and later he offered to sponsor me. I was thrilled, and he's already helped my body immensely! Recently, I went to him when my foot hurt so much that I couldn't properly walk on the ball, much less push off. After about 10 seconds of assessing the problem, he found the root cause (a huge knot in my quad!) and I was running 2 days later! It was amazing, and I'm so thankful for his help to keep me healthy. He definitely has my highest recommendation.
4. Gu: Gu is my favorite for energy/nutrition, so I'm excited to be sponsored by them this year!
...stay tuned for a couple more sponsors that I'm very excited about - one that is giving me a new stealth bike! Hint: If it's speedy enough for the winner of the 2009 Kona Iron(wo)man, I think it'll suffice for me! ;o)
Friday, January 1, 2010
We went on a little date to the baseball stadium downtown. There, they had the "the nation’s largest manmade snow tubing slope" (after we got there, we were wondering if it was also the ONLY slope?) Regardless, it was fun just to be together and race down the slopes. Fortunately for me, I seemed to always get someone who kick-pushed me down really fast, so 2/3 the time, I won (Victory!!!) haha...but "winning" wasn't all that good, since I knew that Stephen would come crashing into me full speed at the bottom! ha.
After sledding, we went to the free boat tour that goes through Bricktown. It was sort of like the Duckboat tours that go around Boston, but minus the duck...and history. OKC's history is somewhat interesting. The downtown area is nicely renovated, I must say!!! It was a fun afternoon/evening.
As for other news, Stephen's kickin' along with his thesis, and my training is going really well. We're so thankful for a wonderful 2009 and look forward to 2010! Cheers!!!
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