Friday, July 23, 2010

Still waiting...

a little OWS at Keystone Lake
Every day, I get a little I simultaneously take leaps backwards...
Just when I'm able to spend a little longer on the trainer and swim a little more, I somehow dislocated &/or broke my toe. [Insert (more) vibes of frustration] 
As un-smart as it sounds, I still don't know exactly how I accomplished this, although I do know that my little piggy toe got hooked on a rock in our yard as I was going from the car to the front door Sat night...and pulled it back/sideways...and about 2 minutes later, I was on the couch holding ice to my foot and taking an extra anti-inflammatory pill...
We started laughing at how bad it looked, which led to me crying about it when I fully realized that the one thing that I could work hard at right now (ie, running) was going to (also) be impossible. I thought about posting a pic of my purple toe/blue-green foot, but I'm sure you'd rather just take my word for it ;o)
The pic is from Keystone Lake (pre-toe-catastrophe), where my hopes of using a snorkel [to reduce neck stress while breathing] were dashed when the snorkel broke as I was putting it on my head...So I decided to try it with my goggles, which...worked better on land ;o)
Stephen read the cyberknife manual while I swam...and then he joined me at the end for a bit :o)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Good News from MRI Results!

I don't need surgery, I'm just reeeeeally tight. Thank goodness!
My injury probably goes something like this:
I pinched a nerve in my neck 4 months ago...and during the first month of recovery (when I could barely move), all my muscles got even tighter and more knotted...I also somehow got a rib to pop out of then my nerve heals, my rib is pushed back into its correct spot, & I start getting back into training, but my muscles continue I let up, not wanting to force anything, and catering to the decreased range of motion for fear that I'm pressing against my spinal cord...but maybe all this time (ie, 3.5 months after my nerve healed), I have just needed a series of deep tissue work + PT + ART + chiro. The Dr. also gave me a prescription pain killer/anti inflammatory.
I'm thankful that it's not more serious! :o)

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I went to the sport med doc earlier this week...He took x-rays and found that my neck was as straight as a board = not good! ...means that there are some muscle spasms holding it that, off to the MRI machine I went...

It's supposed to have a natural curve. I should measure myself - maybe I'm 5'10" now! ha.

Now, I am waiting to hear back from the doc about the results from the MRI...hopefully tomorrow! He will be on vacation all next week, so if he doesn't return any of my calls tomorrow about the results, I think I might go on vacation with him & his family to find out what's going on with my back/neck! (just like Bob in the movie What About Bob?) hehe.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Firecracker 5K

This past weekend, I had my debut post-injury race - woohoo! There was a little 5K road race in downtown Tulsa, and I thought it would be fun, convenient, & a good workout. :o)
All of the above were accomplished, & it was especially fun to share it with Stephen & my parents, who were in town for the weekend! 
My time wasn't the best, but I won in 19:13. Truth be told, I'd rather not win and get a better time, but...I'm thankful that I can run and still be healthy. It's sort of embarrassing that I can swim 1.5K, bike 40K, run a 5K, and then start the race last Saturday & still run faster than 19:13, is what it is. I will figure out how to run a road race at some point! :o)
My neck/back is slowly but surely still improving. We went to a local lake today and enjoyed swimming in the open water - fun fun. My neck behaved, so maybe I will push it a little more this week. 
Early last week, I made an appointment with a sport med doc - the earliest appt was this Thurs...Hoping to find out how (or if?) I could help speed up the recovery, and especially how I can avoid this ever happening again! ...but I'm also thankful now to still be improving, even if it's snail pace.
Happy Independence Day!!