a little OWS at Keystone Lake |
Just when I'm able to spend a little longer on the trainer and swim a little more, I somehow dislocated &/or broke my toe. [Insert (more) vibes of frustration]
As un-smart as it sounds, I still don't know exactly how I accomplished this, although I do know that my little piggy toe got hooked on a rock in our yard as I was going from the car to the front door Sat night...and pulled it back/sideways...and about 2 minutes later, I was on the couch holding ice to my foot and taking an extra anti-inflammatory pill...
We started laughing at how bad it looked, which led to me crying about it when I fully realized that the one thing that I could work hard at right now (ie, running) was going to (also) be impossible. I thought about posting a pic of my purple toe/blue-green foot, but I'm sure you'd rather just take my word for it ;o)
The pic is from Keystone Lake (pre-toe-catastrophe), where my hopes of using a snorkel [to reduce neck stress while breathing] were dashed when the snorkel broke as I was putting it on my head...So I decided to try it with my goggles, which...worked better on land ;o)
Stephen read the cyberknife manual while I swam...and then he joined me at the end for a bit :o)