Thursday, March 15, 2012

Waiting & Grateful

Mild & wild outdoor "winter"...There were only a few days that I had to train inside on my bike this "winter"! Mr. Groundhog can prolong that winter any year and I will be excited. Building a base on my trainer was not something that I was looking forward to, especially since there are so many speedy people in Tulsa to try to keep up with! Usually I ride with some tri/cycling friends or with the Tom's Bicycles Team. Fun times!
My neck held up during many-a-miles on my bike (thanks Lord!). One fun thing that I discovered is that I really enjoy climbing. I've been learning how to descend better, so that's also becoming more fun and less scary.
The bike position is slowly getting more aero, although I still sit noticably more upright than... everyone else. ha. I have made friends that way though - everyone likes biking behind me!

A rekindled flame for the black line...
Swimming with the Tulsa Masters has been so much fun! Other than waking up at 5:20am, it's been the perfect way toget back into swimming while meeting lots of great new friends! The Lord has given me a feel for the water and it's been neat to enjoy it again in the midst of great company.

My favorite: running
The lack of running is what the Lord has used to remind me that training hard & racing are gifts and opportunities! Since January 1, 2011, my foot has given me off/on troubles....mostly 'on' troubles - ha. I could run for a couple months this summer...but other than that, I haven't been able to run - I've missed it!
2 days after surgery - sorry for the blurry phone camera pic!
1 week after surgery...ouch!
One of my new cycling friends (who used to play in the LPGA!), Suzie, told me about Dr. Willard who had successful foot surgeries and is an accomplished athlete. I went to her and she sent me to an athletic foot specialist, Dr. Baxter, at Athletic & Orthopedics & Knee Center. Although I had seen 6 doctors in Tulsa (including podiatrist) over the past 14 months, Dr. Baxter identified my problem and said that it was a classic case - an angry little nerve that needed to be released or plucked out. While relieved that it wasn't still a(nother) mystery injury, I wasn't excited about the knife on my foot!  I feel soo thankful that I had the opportunity to see him - he is ultra famous, and has helped out many-an-olympian including Carl Lewis and the list goes on and on...and of the fun things about seeing him was that he's friends with (and has operated on or helped) many of my parents' friends since my dad was a top-caliber runner in the 1970s.
Tessa loves the extra playtime & naps!
Seeing him was a true gift that I didn't deserve...Needless to say, if anyone used a knife on my foot, he's my first choice! Two weeks after I saw him, I went back to get that nerve plucked out. That was a week ago, and it's still pretty sore. I'm logging lots of couch hours and I'm prrrrrretty sure that my cat is the only one hoping that my foot never recovers! haha. I bet she thinks I finally realized that playing with her + being a slug on the couch = fulfillment. (I don't think she's read Don't Waste Your Life by Piper.)  ;o)
Sophia & I both had a bum right foot! Her
stubbed toe didn't stop her from playing
outside, though! :o)

Thanks (!!!) to my Ma, the Pellas, Stephen, Amy, Beth, Kim & Suzie!
My mom met me in Houston to help and take care of me! My friends Teresa (I swam at UT with her) & her husband, Tyler, graciously opened their house to us and we also got to see and play with their two little beauties, Sophia & Madison! When I came home, I wasn't very autonomous...and Stephen has been so sweet and loved me so well - I'm beyond blessed to have a better half like him! Good friends in town have given me food & flowers and taken me places since my right foot is out of commission. I've been so encouraged by everyone's words & prayers - thanks!

I'll continue to close with...
I don't have a schedule planned out for 2012, but plan to fully train & race as a pro triathlete, keeping in mind Proverbs 16:9...
"A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure."

Hope everyone is enjoying the gorgeous spring weather! Cheers!