Small head cold => forced rest and....extra time to write a blog update!
The plan for the first 3 pro races of 2014:
March 30th: 5150 Series: New Orleans
April 27th: 5150 Series: St. Anthony's
May 18th: Rev3 Knoxville
Winter training is going well! I've had a few challenges with my achilles this winter, but overall everything is looking good to have a true peak in my racing season! Continuous thanks (!!) to Prompt Physical Therapy and Sport & Wellness Chiropractic for helping me get/stay healthy. I'd classify myself as "high-maintenance"...and what a huge value to work with such amazing healthcare providers! I don't take it for granted and know how fortunate I am to have found the best (& they haven't yet locked their doors on me)!
Last year, I gained a lot of experience and was thankful to get to the start/finish lines & try to be in the mix. This year, I can't wait to race. Training and racing as a professional triathlete gives me such joy! What a gift.
Probably the highlight of this winter training has been to enjoy the trainer. It was always my least favorite part of training. Lately, it's been fun, in a torturous type of way;) ...and my watts keep increasing, which is a very good thing!
What's your winter highlight? Be sure to tell someone about what made your heart sing lately, including the bumps along the way. "Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Proverbs 16:24
Happy February & God bless you!