Monday, July 12, 2010

Good News from MRI Results!

I don't need surgery, I'm just reeeeeally tight. Thank goodness!
My injury probably goes something like this:
I pinched a nerve in my neck 4 months ago...and during the first month of recovery (when I could barely move), all my muscles got even tighter and more knotted...I also somehow got a rib to pop out of then my nerve heals, my rib is pushed back into its correct spot, & I start getting back into training, but my muscles continue I let up, not wanting to force anything, and catering to the decreased range of motion for fear that I'm pressing against my spinal cord...but maybe all this time (ie, 3.5 months after my nerve healed), I have just needed a series of deep tissue work + PT + ART + chiro. The Dr. also gave me a prescription pain killer/anti inflammatory.
I'm thankful that it's not more serious! :o)


  1. yay...kinda. what's the new timeline of recovery? 4 weeks? 4 months?? "time will tell"?

  2. time will tell, day by day type :o)
    feeling a tiny bit better most days, so i'm thankful for that.
    you updated your blog!! yay!! xo
